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it's good for a bit but don't let them watch it to long
It is good to le your children watch tv but at the same time you need to regulate on what they are watching. Keeping them away from TV or other media wont help in today's world because they would lack behind their peers if you do so. watching tv is not a negative thing but its important that you regulate the content and time they give to tv.

Finally i would say let them watch tv don't keep them away from technology cause we are living in 21st century.

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Q: TV for children good or bad?
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Watching the history channel, discovery channel, even kid television shows can help improve their knowledge. Even though it doesn't seem like television is good for children, unknowingly, children take in what they watch. So if they learn something from television, it is easier for them to access the memory of the show because they enjoyed watching it. Television can also be bad, if it inappropriate for children. (: hope i helped(:

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