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Its hard when you are not able to talk with the other sex. A couple of tips is just treat them like you would with your sex except if you want to impress them, talk about things they would talk about! If you are talking to girls, talk about how your favorite chick flick is Mama Mia or The Notebook. That impresses them and gets them wanting to show you more of them. You might even be invited over to watch it with them! That's the time to make your move and lean into kiss her. She will blush and you will say, "I really like you. You are special."

That is stage one for guys. For girls, its talking about your favorite Horror movie! Or talking about your favorite car. Guys find that sexy and makes them wild! Listen to them even if you aren't interested and laugh at silly things they do! I'm definitly one for laughing at guys because if you don't laugh at them, they work hard for nothing!!

Also, if you are a guy/girl only looking for sex and need to attract a sexy girl. See 'attracting sexy chicks who want sex' I'll be on there!

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Q: Talking to opposite sex
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it has not been proven that people who remain abstinent start having bad relationships with the opposite sex. you can still be friends with the opposite sex while deciding to be that way. it will not make you become indifferent but being indifferent depends on the type of person you are like, that is if you are narrow-minded. Narrow minded people have the same attitude towards both sexes, not one particular sex. on the other hand, not talking to, looking at nor touching the opposite sex will help you better to abstain sex if you decide to be be abstinent. it does not mean you will have to reject or hate the opposite sex for that purpose, coz we all live in a society & need one another for help.

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