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Yes, there were many taxes imposed on the American colonies by the British Empire.

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Q: Taxes were imposed on the colonists?
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Why did the taxes imposed on the colonists anger?

it anger colonists because there freedom was going down and british was using them to pay for the debt they where in because of wars and they also imposed taxes on EVERYTHING just to have money .....

How did the stamp act differ from previous taxes imposed on the colonists?


Who is the ruler of great Britain who imposed taxes on the colonists?

George III

What was the colonist view of fair taxation?

The colonists did not want taxes imposed by the british parliament.

How did John Dickinson convince the colonists to resist the taxes imposed by Parliament?

all of the above

How did the Stamp Act differ from previous taxes imposed on the colonies?

it was a direct tax on the colonists

How did the king of England break the contract with the colonists?

The king imposed unjust taxes and restricted trade which made the colonists very mad.

What was the main reason for the protest of taxes and laws imposed on the American colonists?

The Colonist Were Not Represented In Parliament

Why did the Britain taxes on the colonists?

Britain imposed taxes on the colonists because it was a way to get back at them for disobeying. They (Britain) wanted to stay in control by scamming their people of out their money. Kinda harsh, huh?

Why did the colonists oppose the taxes imposed after the French and Indian War?

the colonist simply didnt want to pay thier fair share of taxes

What was the American colonists primary objective to the taxes imposed by the stamp act?

It had not been approved by colonial representatives.

What was one of the grievances towards the king that the colonists listed in the Declaration of Independence?

He imposed taxes on them without their consent