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I was wondering if there was a teacher out there that wouldn't mind answering my interview questions.
If it is not too personal please state what grade you teach and what state you teach at. Also what colleges/universities (once again if you don't mind specify if you were an undergrad or grad while at those institutions) you went to, to become a teacher.

I apologize for my grammar it is not the best.

1)How long have you been a teacher for?

2)What made you interested in becoming a teacher?

3)What is your teaching style?

4)What is your favorite part about teaching?

5) Any special moments that made you happy you became a teacher?

6) Was it rigorous to become a teacher?Were there a lot of exams and such that you had to pass in order to become a teacher?

7) What type of training did you receive, and would you take additional training so that you could become a better skilled teacher?

8)What is your least favorite part about teaching?

9)How do you communicate with the students parents? Do you fell that the parents are involved enough in their child's education?

10)How do you feel about teachers that do not seem to be interested in teacher?

11)How do you feel about the students that do not seem to be interested in learning?Do you reach out to students like that?

12) Who do you think is At Fault for the reason that kids are not excited to learn?The teachers, students or parents/guardians fault? Or is no one at fault?

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

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