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Schools don't teach values that is the parents job and it is the parents job to shape the child. Before a child ever reaches school the parent is the first teacher and what the child will become is set before they are 4 years old. Unfortunately many parents expect the school to be the parent, teacher, nurse, and counselor. This is an impossible task because without the parent the school can't do it all. The parent is the most important person (or should be) in a child's life and who or what the child grows up to be is the responsibility of the parent not the school.

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Q: Teaching American values in school can help shape a child and .?
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Teaching American values of school can help shape a child's what?

Teaching American values in school can help shape a child's understanding of democracy, equality, freedom, and diversity. It can also instill a sense of civic responsibility and respect for others in a multicultural society.

In Teaching American values in school can help shape a child and .?

Schools don't teach values that is the parents job and it is the parents job to shape the child. Before a child ever reaches school the parent is the first teacher and what the child will become is set before they are 4 years old. Unfortunately many parents expect the school to be the parent, teacher, nurse, and counselor. This is an impossible task because without the parent the school can't do it all. The parent is the most important person (or should be) in a child's life and who or what the child grows up to be is the responsibility of the parent not the school.

Teaching American values in school can help shape a child's .?

Schools don't teach values that is the parents job and it is the parents job to shape the child. Before a child ever reaches school the parent is the first teacher and what the child will become is set before they are 4 years old. Unfortunately many parents expect the school to be the parent, teacher, nurse, and counselor. This is an impossible task because without the parent the school can't do it all. The parent is the most important person (or should be) in a child's life and who or what the child grows up to be is the responsibility of the parent not the school.

Did Ruby Bridges enjoy teaching Kindergarten?

Ruby Bridges did not teach kindergarten. She was the first African-American child to attend an all-white school.

Who are the first persons responsible for teaching children values?

The first persons responsible for teaching children values are their parents or primary caregivers. These individuals play a crucial role in shaping a child's moral compass through their own words, actions, and behaviors. Other important influences on a child's values can include teachers, other family members, and their community.

the process of teaching a child how to act in school?

by telling them how to act and they will see what happen

What is the process of teaching a child how to act in school?

Teaching a child how to act in school involves setting clear expectations, modeling positive behavior, providing consistent reinforcement, and addressing any misbehavior promptly and constructively. It is important to communicate with the child, involve them in creating rules, and offer support to help them understand and follow behavioral guidelines. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key components of teaching appropriate school behavior.

What is grade school?

First 6-8 yrs of a child's teaching at a school, starting around age 5 or 6

Does a parent get paid to home school?

I believe it's a no. It's the parents choice to home school the child, or to send them to school. Therefore, the town/gov. will not pay the parent for teaching their own child.

How many hours do American children spend in school per year?

The average American child will attend school from 8 AM to 3 PM 180 days of the year. That means the average American child spends 1,260 hours per year in school.

What has the author Linda Eyre written?

Linda Eyre has written: 'Teaching children responsibility' -- subject(s): Responsibility, Conduct of life, Children 'Teaching your children values' -- subject(s): Conduct of life, Quality of life, Child development, Parenting, Study and teaching, Values, Social values, Children 'Lifebalance' -- subject(s): Self-actualization (Psychology), Life skills, Time management 'Teaching your children values' 'Teaching children charity' -- subject(s): Christian education of children, Charity 'A Joyful Mother of Children' -- subject(s): Mothers, Religious life, Mother and child, Time management 'Five children's stories to teach' -- subject(s): Joy, Christian education of children, Christianity 'The little book of big ideas about mothers' -- subject(s): Anecdotes, Mothers, Motherhood, Religious life, Mother and child 'Teaching Children Sensitivity' 'Teaching Children Responsibility' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Children, Conduct of life, Responsibility in children, Responsibility

Sunday School Program?

form_title=Sunday School Program form_header=Sunday school programs are an excellent way for your child to develop a strong set of beliefs and values. What religion do you and your child practice?*= _[50] How old is your child?*= _[50] Does your child currently attend church?*= () Yes () No Does your child get along well with other children?*= () Yes () No