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Technology is APPLIED science that makes PURE science useful and practical.

I didn't get this question on SOS either xD

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Q: Technology is science that makes science useful and practical?
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What makes science and technology differentiating?

Science says how to do something and technology does it!

What is the relationship between science and technology How are they alike?

Technology is what science makes.

What is the definition of technology important of science and technology?

Science discovers and Technology makes things from the discovery

What is the role of science and technology to mankind?

Science and technology makes our life comfortable and luxurious. Had there been no science or technology, there wouldn't have been any developments and civilizations.

What is the effect of science and technology in science?

It makes a better future for humans.

Relationship between physics and technology?

physics is partner of science. and science makes technology, and technology make an invetions and all of things in the worl connected to physics and science.

What is the nature and relationship between science and technology?

'The understanding of science makes the improvement of technology possible' Alex Gash

Why is technology useful?

it is used because it makes life simpler

How is technology a useful tool in the field of public relations?

In the field of public relations, technology is a useful tool because technology makes it easier to public relations employees to do their jobs. Technology like email and social media websites makes it easier to advertise.

Are science and technology close friends?

Very. Science is good stuff. Technology is applied science. == Technology makes science advance, and scientific research helps find new technology. It seems they advance hand in hand. Technology is the key to advances in science, which turns around and applies new science to create new technologies.

The use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes is called?

One contributor has suggested that "Technology" is the answer. Here are some additional ways we could consider this question:EngineeringInnovationEntrepreneurshipEngineering gets my vote because it is about application of the scientific knowledge. Wikipedia provides a good definition of Engineering:Engineering is the science, skill, and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and also build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes.Innovation is a good description of this practical use of knowledge because it supports the adoption of the technology across society at large through market mechanisms.So that we avoid having too lofty a view of science and technology, we should remember that on a daily basis, a farmer makes practical use of scientific knowledge and the technologies relating to chemistry and physics.Thus, taking JB Say's 1803 definition of "Entrepreneur" (An economic agent who unites all means of production) we could rightly say that a farmer is an entrepreneur, and the farmer's work is based on the practical use of scientific knowledge.

What are the important advantages of science and technology?

science and technology helps in improving the civilization or making the people civilized it makes mans work understanding science we can understand the world.