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Q: Teeth patterns in animals and thorns in plants are examples of characteristics that a taxonomist might observe for keying true or false?
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Why is it important for a taxonomist to look at patterns of development when trying to classify animals?

Examining patterns of development can reveal valuable information about the evolutionary relationships and ancestry of different animal species. It helps taxonomists distinguish between closely related species and understand their evolutionary history. Additionally, studying development can provide insights into the functional and ecological diversity of different animal groups.

Why is it important for a taxonomist to look at patterns of develpment when trying to classify animals?

I believe that it's because patterns of development differ between species.

What do you call a person who studies and classifies animals?


Who studies the classification and study of animals?

taxonomist and zoologist

What do you call a person who studies classification?

The science of classifying different plants, animals, etc is called taxonomy so the person who performs this work would be a taxonomist

What is the difference between taxonomy and a taxonomist?

Taxonomy is the scientific classification of animals while Taxonomist is the one who classifies living things into their Kingdom,Phylum,Class,Order,Genius and Species.

Why was the method of classification developed?

Classification was developed to organize and categorize information in a logical and systematic way, making it easier to access and understand. It helps researchers, scientists, and professionals to identify relationships between different subjects, facilitating communication and knowledge sharing.

Was the first taxonomist to group animals by blood color and plants by size and shape?


First greek taxonomist who grouped animals by blood color plant size and shape?

Aristotle is often considered the first Greek taxonomist who grouped animals based on characteristics such as blood color and plant size and shape. His work laid the foundation for the field of taxonomy.

What is the name biologists classify animals called?

You're referring to the person responsible for classifying animals? People who classify animals are animal taxonomist!

What types of images were favored by Paracas textile weavers?

animals and patterns

What patterns in nature guides live of animals?

The life of animals is guided by patterns in nature. This includes weather patterns, geologic formations and the changing seasons.