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This is can be a hard process. You will need to remove the mother snail. Take the father snail and put him in a separate tank; he could eat the eggs when the are secluded in a smaller spot. Use a fish net to put the eggs with the mother. Be careful! Clean out the tank as quickly as possible. Then slowly do the same process. I recommend though that if you already haven't, move the father to a separate spot; I heard they can be like goldfish and eat their young.

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Q: Ten gallon tank and your snails just laid eggs and it time for you to clean your tank?
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How do you know when aquarium snails are breeding?

depending on the kind of snails you have you will be able to find their eggs. APple snails and mystery snails will lay their eggs in big clusters just above the waterline. If you don't want to have more snails you can just remove the clusters of eggs. All other snails breed like crazy. You will be able to see their eggs on the glass or on ornaments or plants in your aquarium. They are more difficult to control. The eggs will appear to be a clear sort of film.

Do snails have babies?

Yes. If we are talking about land snails they lay eggs that they bury in soil in a warm most place. The eggs hatch usually in about 2 to 4 weeks.

Do snails eat their own babies?

some snails eat their own kind but most do not. However, several species of snails are known to eat their own eggs, even mother's that just laid those eggs! However, they don't eat their offspring once they are born.

What does a male do to a female snail for babies?

Nothing. Simply because there is no such thing as a male or female snail.All snails are hermaphrodites. Meaning all snails have both sexual organs and they both sperm and lay the eggs. The snails "stick" themselves together by their underbellies and both fertilise each other.

How clean the water so the fighting fish can lay eggs?

just clean it like you normaly do

How do you clean duck eggs?

With water and soap!!! der. Just how you would clean anything else!

How do you make snails?

Get to snails [same breed] put them in a tank with wet soil plenty of greens and in 1-2 week's they will mate and lay eggs

When do water snails lay eggs?

They Lay There Eggs Just after a few days of begging pregnancy. Remember they can lay up to 200 eggs.

How do you clean the fish tank with fish eggs in it?

Well right when the female lays the eggs you have to get them and throw them out. So the male can't fertilize them. Or you could do what I do I give mine to my friend who loves pets so she takes them, and on actions I will go and visit them. It's sweet because your still a grandparent (lol) but you don't do the work!!!

When do land snails lay eggs?

they dig down in the dirt a few centimeters

Do water snails eggs float?

Yes water snail eggs float. they are small white eggs that are most the time attached to somthing like a plant (fake or real) or the glass of a tank just be careful it shoulnt be near the tank light. :)

How do male and female snails mate?

Some species of snail can reproduce alone because they are hermaphrodites IE. they posses both male and female reproductive organs. they can change what sex they want to be and make babies.