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Q: Tension refers to the feeling the reader has the conflict is resolved?
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When author establish conflict the reader experiences a feeling of tension until the?

conflict is resolved.

The unresolved feeling the reader experiences before the struggle is resolved is?

Conflict; Tension

Which of the following best describe the relationship between conflict and tension in a story?

Conflict refers to the central problem of a story; tension refers to the feeling the reader has before the conflict is resolved. -Good Luck with Apex :)

What is the pitfall of having an anticlimax in a story?

It can leave the reader unsatisfied

What is one effect that an in medias res opening is meant to have on the reader?

The reader is meant to feel the tension of the conflict immediately

What feeling does an author create to keep a reader interested in what happens next?


What feeling does suspense give the reader?

tension, excitement, anxiety, wonder what will happen next, mysterious feeling, attention-grabbing

How does repetition create tension?

It creates tension because with it being repeated, it makes the reader think more about how the character is feeling, it makes it more meaningful.

How are traditional short stories structured?

Traditional short stories typically follow a three-part structure: introduction (setting the scene and introducing characters), conflict (where tension or problem arises), and resolution (how the conflict is resolved). This structure helps create a cohesive and engaging narrative that builds up to a satisfying conclusion for the reader.

What is the relationship between tension and conflict in a work of fiction?

Conflict creates tension, because the reader wants to know how this problem will be resolved. Every option offered should have a sensible grounding in the character's background and persona. Each clash is based on a different character's experience and worldview, and should be equally supported. In this way a reader is pulled towards the character who most matches their own experience, and yet is made capable of understanding the conflicting point of view of a character who has arrived at a different conclusion.

Why might a writer imply a conflict in a stories opening?

Implying a conflict in a story's opening is a common technique to immediately engage readers by creating tension and curiosity. It sets the stage for the plot development and invites readers to continue reading to find out how the conflict unfolds and resolves. This can also help establish the central theme or message of the story from the very beginning.

What is the difference between suspense novels and thrillers?

Tension is a feeling produced by a conflict that has not been resolved, while suspense is a feeling of wanting to know what happens next.