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Q: Term or when a national committee take place?
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Where did the burglary that led to the resignation of an American president take place?

The Watergate Scandal is the burglary that led to President Nixon's resignation. The break-in took place in 1972 at the Democratic National Committee headquarters. The headquarters was in the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.

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The games committee decide what events will take place.

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Arlington National Cemetery

The committee chairperson is chosen based on seniority?

It is true that the committee chairperson is chosen based on seniority. This is the individual that presides over the meetings that take place within the Senate.

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There has never been a national election in the United States in which the general public voted. State elections for national offices take place in November.

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Congressional oversight activities generally take place at the committee and subcommittee level.

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Congressional oversight activities generally take place at the committee and subcommittee level.

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The term "place" in any catering contract refers to the location of the event where the catering service is to take place. Val

What position did robespierre take in 1793?

In July 1793, Robespierre took his place on the Committee of Public Safety, which had been established in April.