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They are sometimes referred to as labels.

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Q: Text used in a spreadsheet and usually creates titles?
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In a spreadsheet ordinary text is called?

Ordinary text is usually called a string in computers.

Is a spreadsheet a collection of numbers or not text?

Spreadsheets are mainly for manipulating numbers and doing calculations, but a spreadsheet will also have a lot of text in it too, usually to explain what the numbers refer to. So there will be mostly numbers on a spreadsheet, but lots of text too.

What are the text areas in a spreadsheet?

You can add text to all areas of a spreadsheet.

Is Excel a spreadsheet processor and a text editor?

It is a spreadsheet, but not a text editor.

What are words or text in a spreadsheet called?

Words or text in a spreadsheet are typically referred to as "labels," "text data," or simply "text." These serve as descriptions or identifiers for the data in the spreadsheet cells.

Are cells the text areas in a spreadsheet?

A cell is an open box on a table, and as such, yes cells are text areas on a spreadsheet.

In a spreadsheet what is social security number represented by?

Usually social security numbers are formatted as text, instead of numbers.

How do you make a spreadsheet with text and numeric data?

Every spreadsheet is different. So what you do will depend on what the spreadsheet is required to do. You will type your text and numbers into cells and then add in other elements, such as formulas or charts. You can format your text and numeric data as appropriate to the spreadsheet you are creating.

Are the text areas in a spreadsheet?


What is the name of words or text in a spreadsheet?


Alphabetic data entered into a spreadsheet?


What is a text in an Excel spreadsheet?

Text are characters not formatted as numbers. Usually they are letters, but sometimes numbers are formatted to be treated as text (unable to manipulate as numbers). An example would be to format zip codes as text, so you can display the leading zero.