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Phenobarbital or phenobarbitone. It is given to premature baby to stimulate the microsomal system of enzymes.

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Q: That drugs which stimulate metabolism of other drugs?
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What is the function of the stimulate?

The function of a stimulant is to speed up your metabolism which stimulates your heart and other muscles.

What can stimulant drugs do to you?

Stimulate you.

What is hepatic microsomal enzyme induction?

Hepatic microsomal enzyme induction or in other words the stimulation of the microsomal enzymes of the liver occur as a result of administration of certain drugs such as Phenobarbitone, Phenytoin or Carbamezapine. These drugs stimulate this enzyme system in the liver and accelerate the metabolism of other substances such as Coumarin anticoagulants that are administered to a person to prevent clotting tendency. In that case, the physician would consider increasing the dose of the Coumarin anticoagulants to achieve an optimum effect since the accelerated metabolism of these drugs will not produce the desired effect.

Can alcohol and other drugs stimulate inhibit or halt release of chemical that help the brain function?

Alcohol and other drugs can stimulate, inhibit or halt the release of chemicals that help the brain to function normally. It depends on the method of taking the drug as to how quickly it affects the body.

What is the main body part involved in the metabolism of drugs is the?

The liver is the main body part involved in the metabolism of drugs.

How does the kinetics of alcohol metabolism differ from that of other drugs?

alchol is metabolized before real food

What drugs slow drug metabolism?

Drugs that slow drug metabolism include ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, fluoxetine, nefazodone, paroxetine, and ritonavir

If a medication interacts with another does that mean its okay to use both?

not necessarily, it depends in the kind of interaction between the two drugs, some of the drugs induce the metabolism of other drugs leading to minimizing their action or might just cancel their desired effect and some of them will inhibit other drugs metabolism or displace them from the plasma proteins leading to increase their free fraction concentration which leads to toxicity

Can drugs upset the basal metabolism?

yes it does

What is one food that will boost your metabolism?

proteins and natural fibre-containing complex carbohydrates which includes fibrous vegetables and whole grains stimulate the metabolism the most.

Is a barbiturate class of drugs whose major action is to stimulate the central nervous system?

do barbiturates stimulate the central nervous system

Medications that stimulate the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system are said to be?

Cholinergic drugs