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Q: The 1841 supreme court case against kidnapped africans who had mutinied aboard La Amistad was argued by what people?
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Who defended Joseph Cinque in the Amistad trial?

Former U.S. President John Quincy Adams defended Joseph Cinque in the Amistad trial, arguing for the Africans' right to fight against their unlawful enslavement. Adams' defense ultimately played a key role in the Supreme Court's decision to grant the Amistad captives their freedom.

Can mutinied be put in a sentence?

The workers mutinied against the new ruling from management. The crew mutinied and became pirates once the officers were sent off in the long boat.

What was the cause of the Amistad Case?

The Amistad Case was caused by a group of Africans who were illegally captured and transported as slaves. They revolted against their captors aboard the ship Amistad, leading to a legal battle in the United States over their freedom and right to return to Africa.

What was the effect of amistad case?

The Amistad case resulted in the freedom of the African captives who had revolted against their Spanish captors on the slave ship, Amistad. The case highlighted the legal issue of whether the Africans were property or free individuals, leading to their eventual release and return to Africa. Additionally, the case brought attention to the abolitionist movement and increased tensions over the issue of slavery in the United States.

Whose crew mutinied against him and he was never seen again?

Captain Nemo

What countries were involved in the Amistad case?

The countries involved in the Amistad case were the United States, Spain, and Sierra Leone. The case revolved around a group of illegally enslaved Africans who revolted against their captors while being transported from Cuba to the United States.

Were some slaves black?

Technicaly, because in Colonial America, There were"Inden.tured Slaves" that were white; 100+years later, the white people kidnapped the Africans and forced them to work all day except Sunday, against their will

What made the amistad case complex?

The Amistad case was complex due to issues of international law, property rights, and questions of freedom and slavery. It involved a mutiny on a slave ship, a legal battle over whether the captured Africans were property or free individuals, and diplomatic negotiations between the United States, Spain, and other nations. The case ultimately had significant implications for the abolitionist movement and the broader struggle against slavery.

Who is the captian of the English sailing ship the bounty?

Captain Bligh was mutinied against in 1789. The ship was burned January 23, 1790.

What is the moral lesson about amistad?

The moral lesson of "Amistad" is that all individuals deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race or background. It highlights the importance of standing up against injustice and fighting for freedom and equality for all.

What is the issue of the amistad case?

The Amistad case involved a group of African captives who revolted against their captors aboard the slave ship Amistad. The issue at hand was whether the captives could be legally freed and returned to Africa, with the case ultimately centering on questions of property rights, international law, and the legality of the Atlantic slave trade.

Who will the next us war be against?

the next u.s. war will be against japan and and the africans