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European nations wanted the captured Africans to provide labor for their colonies in the Americas, working on plantations and in mines. This demand for labor was driven by the lucrative trade in commodities such as sugar, coffee, and tobacco.

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Q: The African slave trade grew because European nations wanted the captured Africans to do what?
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Why were Africans captured and sold into slavery?

Africans were captured and sold into slavery primarily for economic gain, as the transatlantic slave trade was driven by European demand for labor in the Americas. European colonizers and traders saw Africans as a cheap and easily accessible source of labor to work on plantations and in mines. Racial prejudice and a perception of Africans as less human also played a significant role in justifying and perpetuating the slave trade.

Why were the African people used as slaves?

Africans were used as slaves due to the demand for labor in European colonies, coupled with the belief that Africans were inferior beings, leading to the transatlantic slave trade. Economic interests and the desire for free labor also played a significant role in the widespread use of African slaves.

What were reasons for European colonists to buy Africans for slave labor?

European colonists bought Africans for slave labor due to the need for cheap labor to cultivate cash crops, such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton, in the colonies. Africans were seen as physically capable and resistant to diseases like malaria, making them desirable as laborers. The transatlantic slave trade also provided economic benefits to European merchants and planters.

Why might Africans have admired European culture even though it was destroying their own?

Africans may have admired European culture because they believed it represented progress, modernity, and economic prosperity. Additionally, European cultural influences were often associated with power and domination, which could be appealing in a colonial context. Lastly, the imposition of European culture through colonialism may have created a sense of inevitability or superiority that influenced African perspectives.

Why were Africans sold as slaves?

Africans were sold as slaves primarily due to European colonization and the transatlantic slave trade, where Europeans captured and bought Africans to work on plantations in the Americas. The demand for cheap labor to support the growing sugar, tobacco, and cotton industries led to the widespread enslavement of Africans. Additionally, Europeans justified their actions through racist ideologies that dehumanized Africans.

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Why did some European colonists excused African slavery?

Because most Africans were not Christians

How did some African states use the slave trade to gain power?

They force-captured other Africans (using European traded guns) and traded them for goods with Europeans. They gained power by doing this because they had goods, money, and fear from other African states.

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sometimes, the northern African whites because authority area opposite the European

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because africans in Brazil learn the BRAZILIAN tradition

Why were the African slaves taken away from their home?

Because other African tribes defeated them in battle and captured them as slaves, then sold them to Europeans. Note, it was other Africans that made slaves of Africans and took them from their homes, not Europeans.

Why were Africans captured and sold into slavery?

Africans were captured and sold into slavery primarily for economic gain, as the transatlantic slave trade was driven by European demand for labor in the Americas. European colonizers and traders saw Africans as a cheap and easily accessible source of labor to work on plantations and in mines. Racial prejudice and a perception of Africans as less human also played a significant role in justifying and perpetuating the slave trade.

Africans became easy targets for slavery because?

Coastal African powers had a ready supply of military captives and were eager to trade for European goods.

From where were the Africans captured during the African Holocaust?

Firstly, while the mass enslavement of Africans and their transport to the new world was certainly an atrocity, few people would argue that such an act is a "Holocaust" or "genocide" because the intent was never to kill the Africans (otherwise enslaving them would be a futile enterprise).However, Africans were typically NOT captured by Whites in Africa. Massive Slavers such as the Portuguese, Spanish, English, Dutch, and French would build coastal cities from Senegal to Angola along the Western Coast of Africa. From these cities they would interact with established African Kingdoms such as the Benin and the Songhai among others. These rulers valued the European exports such as manufactures and iron ore more than the lives of neighboring tribesmen and would kidnap them and sell them to the Europeans in exchange for these goods. There was no African sense of unity at that time in the same sense that there was no European sense of unity at that time. As a result, most Africans who were sold into slavery were captured within their tribal territories in places like Senegal and Nigeria which could be as ecologically varied as Savannah, Sahara, Sahel, and Rainforest.

How were the africans captured in the slave trade?

The Africans were captured because the Americans wanted them to be slaves. On the voyage to America, the Africans were treated really badly. They were whipped and beaten. Some women gave birth on the boat, and some jumped off into the sea because they didn't want their children to become slaves.

Are the descendants of the African slaves captured by the British in the 17th century the descendants of the Israelites?

No, Israelites weren't African or descendants of Africans; however, they were black which doesn't automatically mean they were from Africa. The term African American was only applied either because enslaved Israelites (in America) were thought to have been captured in parts of Africa where they fled, or because it was used to hide the Israelites true heritage leaving "African Americans" confused about who they are, where they come from, and where they have their strongest connections in history.

Why weren't africans interested in buying European products?

Because it was cheap !

Why africans weren't interested in buying European products?

Because it was cheap !