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printing paper money.

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Q: The American government raised over 200 million and much of the cost of the Revolutionary War by?
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Related questions

Where did the United states get money to fund for the Revolutionary war?

it is the confiscation

Who is the Jewish woman who raised money for the American revolutionary war?

HAYM SOLOMON - but he was a man. plenty of biographical info on him.

Who was the people who raised the taxes at the revolutionary war?

The British

Why did Hamilton create a tariff?

They raised money for the government and encouraged the growth of American industry's.

What war happened after the raised taxes on tea?

The revolutionary war

Where did the money for the Eiffel Tower come from?

8 million francs (original estimate 3,500,000). A million and a half was a government subsidy; the rest was raised by Eiffel himself and various shareholders, including a consortium of 3 banks.

How much money did the red cross donate to haiti?

The Canadian red cross donated more than 1 million dollars

What is a fencible?

The Fencibles were army regiments raised in the UK during the American War of Independence and the French Revolutionary Wars in the late 18th century for defence of the country against the threat of invasion by the French.

How much money did terry raise?

he raised 3.5 million dollars

What song is played when the American Flag is raised?

When the American Flag is raised, the National Anthem or To the Color.

How much has fairtrade raised?

28 million

Do Muslims hate America?

No...How can we? There are many people in American that were born and raised there and are Muslim as well. Many Muslims may disagree with the choices that the American government or their armed forces make. But we don't dislike the American people in general.