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Q: The Black dragon fish was discovered in .?
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Related questions

Are black dragon fish endangered?

The black dragon fish is indead endangered

How big are the black dragon fish?

They are about this big | |

Can a dragon fish be in the same tank with a black tip shark?


What should you name your black and blue fighting fish?

Dragon and Azreal

How deep does a black dragon fish go?

Theragon fish goes up to 1,500 to 4,500 feet below the surface.

When were fish tanks discovered?

Fish tanks were not 'discovered' they were invented.

How does black dragon fish breath?

A black dragon breathes acid, and a blue breathes lightning, a gold breathes regular fire and so does a silver, white breathes ice, and green breathes, well, that i don't know, but a black dragon breathes acid. The book in which the Black Dragon is featured is revealed at the end of the book to be entirely fiction. Not that I don't believe in Dragons, but that book is fictional.

Was a dragon discovered in China?


What are the Predators of the black dragon fish?

This is a good question> As since these fish are rarely monitored there is little information about this breed of fish> Best Answer Google and keep looking till you find the answer. :) Sorry I am unsure about the answer >

Was there a dragon discovered in Romania?

Any dragons discovered in Romania !

What adaptation does dragon fish have?

a dragon fish have sharp-pointed fins coated with poisen.

What is the difference between flying fish and dragon fish?

flying fish just fly while dragon fish can breathe fire as well