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in the Carolinas. pg 158

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Q: The British especially relied on the numerous loyalists to aid them in fighting the patriots?
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Who was fighting in the battle of moores creek bridge?

The North Carolina patriots and the scottish loyalists

Why was the Fighting in the South vicious during the American Revolution?

Fighting in the South during the American Revolution was especially vicious because of the large concentration of Loyalists there. They aligned with the Cherokee Indians who hated the Patriots for encroaching on their land. They were known for their savage fighting and brutality.

Were there more loyalists or patriots in the south?

Loyalists and patriots were all Americans however, loyalists supported Brittan and patriots were all for America

Who were the patriots loyalists and naturalists?

The patriots were the revolutionaries fighting for the independence of the colonies, whereas the loyalists remained loyal to the crown and The United Kingdom hence the name, loyalists were loyal.

Interaction with loyalists and patriots?

The loyalists hated the patriots because the patriots were always tarring and feathering them.

What did patriots and loyalists favor?

Loyalists remained loyal (hence their name) to the Crown.

What do patriots hate loyalists?

because the patriots think that the loyalists are traitors to the colonists

Who were the Loyalists and the Patriots?

During The Revolutionary War, people either sided with the king, loyalists, or people who wanted freedom, patriots. Neutralists were the group who sided with any, they simply did not really care!

What is the difference between loyalists and patriots?

'Loyalists' were loyal to the Crown of England. 'Patriots' supported the war for independence during the time of the American Revolution. Loyalist were fighting under command of British. While, the Patriots aka rebels fought for there independence.

What were the sabotages between Loyalists and Patriots?

The patriots tarred and feathered the loyalists. They also ruined loyalist houses.

What did the patriots and loyalists?

The Loyalists wanted to be ruled by Great Britain and the Patriots wanted to be free from Great Britain.

What do the patriots and the loyalist have in common?

What have in common the Patriots and the Loyalists?