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Q: The C-shaped rings that provide support for the wall of the trachea are made out of?
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What are the C-shaped rings in the trachea called?

Trachea is bounded by c-shaped ring to provide it support and flexibility

Why trachea never collapse when there is insuficient air in it?

cartilage rings give support to trachea to open all the time

Why it is important that the trachea is reinfoced with cartilage rings?

because trachea need support for open all the time and this support is cartilage rings

What is the function of the rings of the cartilage that surround the trachea in the fetal pig?

to support trachea

What keeps the trachea from collapsing?

The hyaline cartilage provide support to prevent it from pretty sure they're also called "Rings of Cartilage"Trachea does not collapse even when there is no air in it because it is supported by rings of soft bones alled cartilage rings.

Do C-shaped cartilage rings maintain the openness of the trachea?

Yes, the C-shaped cartilage rings maintain the openness of the trachea. The rings provide structural support to the trachea, preventing it from collapsing and maintaining its shape. The open ends of the C-shape allow for flexibility during movement, such as swallowing or bending of the neck.

Is a trachea hard?

Yes, the trachea is quite hard. It contains cartilage rings which provide rigidity.

Function of cartilage rings?

To hold something permanently open (such as the trachea, which is held open for breathing by rings of cartilage).

The bronchioles lack the support of what?

Cartilage rings that are found in trachea

What important role is played by the carilage rings that reinforce the trachea?

The trachea has cartilaginous rings or Tracheal rings to support its structure and maintain a hollow interior in all positions.~Pain ^_^

Why do the walls of the trachea do not collapse because they contain?

The walls of trachea contain c-shaped rings or cartilagenous rings.These soft bones provide rigidity to the trachea , that is why the walls of trachea doesn't collapse when there is less air.

How does a trachea look likewhy should the trachea be opened all the time?

cartilage rings provides support to the trachea that why it open all the time