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The name Canary Islands in the ATLATIC is probably derived from the Latin Insula Canaria or Island of the Dog".

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Q: The Canary islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?
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What animal is named after canary island?

The Canary Islands are named for Canaris or dogs.

What type of animal are the canary islands named after?

The canary islands are actually named after dogs, the Latin for dog being canis, canis (c).

What type of animal is the canary islands named after?

Dogs, canines.

The canary island are named after which bird?

The Atlantic Canary Islands are named after Serinus canaria - The Canary bird.Actually the canary bird is named after the Canary Islands which get their name from the Latin 'Insularia Canaria' which means 'Islands of Dogs'.

Which animal are the canary isles named after?

The "dog". Contrary to its name, the islands have little to do with the canary. The bird is named after the islands, not the other way round. The name 'Islas Canarias' is likely derived from the Latin 'Insula Canaria', meaning "Island of the Dogs",

Do canaries live in canary islands?

Yes, the wild canary comes from the Canary and surrounding islands. The domestic canary is a descendant of the wild bird.However, the bird is named for the islands, not the other way around. The Canary Islands were named for dogs, real or otherwise, the Latin name Canariae.

What are canary islands named after?

It is named after dogs. The name has been edited to English from the latin word Canaria, so it sounds like canary, but it's not.this beter be right

How did canaries get their name?

Canaries originated in the Canary Islands. They are not named after the islands, but after the people of the islands, the Canarii.

What island were Canaries named after?

Canaries were named after the Canary Islands, as the name implies. Interestingly enough, the Canary Islands actually mean the Island of Dogs and do not refer to any birds.

The Canary Islands were named after an animal or bird what is correct dog cat canary parrot?

The Canary Islands name is derived from the Latin term Insula Canaria, meaning 'Island of the Dogs'. It is thought the dogs were the now extinct Monk Seal whose Latin name translates as 'sea dog'.

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What is the dog population in Spain?

Don't know, but here is some trivia for you. The Spanish Canary Islands are not named after the bird, but rather the dogs, or canines, that inhabited it. Canines, hense Canary Islands.