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an increase in European education and thought

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Q: The Crusades exposed Western Europeans to ideas and discoveries of the Muslim world resulting in what?
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Why did western Europeans go on crusades?

to win back the "holy land" which is basically modern day Israel. It worked temporarily

Are the crusades and middle ages the same thing?

No. The Middle Ages is the period of Western European history from 500 - 1500 A.D. The Crusades were a series of invasions of the Middle East by Europeans, instigated by various Popes during the Middle Ages.

Which result of the crusades to the holy land helped europeans become explorers?

One of the positive results was that people of Western Europe learned how to draw better maps and build better ships

Why did western Europeans launch the crusades?

Western Europeans launched the crusades primarily for religious reasons. The Catholic Church believed that capturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim control was a holy undertaking and would help to secure the salvation of their souls. Additionally, some nobles saw the opportunity for wealth, land, and increased power through participation in the expeditions. Political motivations such as expanding Christian influence in the East and diverting internal conflicts also played a role.

What were the crusades and how did they effect European culture society and trade?

The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims during the Middle Ages ; medieval times. Western European Christians sought to gain control of Palestine, the land where Jesus lived, died, and according to Christians, was resurrected, from the Muslims. While Christian Crusaders never achieved more than temporary control of Jerusalem, the Crusades had many lasting effects on Western European societies. These effects profoundly changed the lives of Western Europeans. One of the many effects of the Crusades was that the pope and the kings of Western Europe became more powerful. In addition, Europeans began to trade with the Middle East. Trade increased as Western Europeans began to buy products like sugar, lemons, and spices. Naturally, increased trade led to increased cultural diffusion. Crusaders and traders learned about Arab art, architecture, medicine, and mathematics. Since the Arabs were very advanced in science and mathematics, Western European knowledge increased. Finally, after traveling to the Middle East, may Western Europeans began to see their small villages as uninteresting and even boring. Many Western Europeans began to seek adventure. They became explorers like Colombus, Magellan, Vasco DeGama, and Irene Barry

How did the crusades help western europe?

The Crusades brought much riches to Western Europe and created a sense of religious unity.

Were the crusades a waste of time?

Not a complete waste of time. Although the Europeans never recaptured the Holy Land, they were introduced to the intellects of the Muslims, which led to their revival (in learning) since the Muslims preserved Western ideas.

The goal of Western Europe in the Crusades was to recover?


Are western Europeans Indians?


How did Byzantium and Western Europe interact with each other and with the large world of the post classical era?

The Western Europeans and the Byzantium civilizations had a predominantly Christian society so that would bring a lot of interactions between the two. But it would also cause problems between the two due to the fact that both cultures had differing views of the faith. During the crusades western Europeans would travel to the Mediterranean so there was a lot of interaction there. The western Europeans and the Byzantium people were a part of the Eurasian long distance trade routes which would have allowed for active communication and integration between the two groups for trades and business interactions. The groups of the western Europeans and the Byzantium people also were together in wars against the Islamic world.

Where do most Western European live?

Politically speaking, most Western Europeans live in Germany. Geographically speaking, most Western Europeans live along the Mediterranean coast.

Did the crusades strengthened the alliance between western Europe and the byzantine empire?