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They are separate group.However in the present form they are influenced considerably from indo-european language(Sanskrit).Synthesis of literary style, vocabulary and grammar of both Porto Dravidian and Sanskrit have resulted in extraordinary literature particularly in Kannada right from 800CE.

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Q: The Dravidian languages are the easternmost and southernmost representatives of the Indo-European language familye?
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The concept of race is a social construct and not scientifically accurate. Dravidian people are indigenous to southern India and have distinct ethnic and cultural characteristics that do not fit neatly into the outdated categories of Caucasoid or other racial classifications. It is more appropriate to refer to Dravidian people based on their specific ethnicity or cultural groups rather than assigning them to a broad racial category.

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Possibly. It's unlikely that it was a Vedic\Aryan civilization.

How do you say hello in Dravidian?

In Dravidian languages like Tamil, you can say "Vanakkam" to greet someone.

What did the dravidian's do?

Dravidians are an ethnic group that speak the ancient Dravidian language. There are around 220 million Dravidian speakers worldwide, mostly residing in southern India. Dravidians exist without a nation of their own. Tamils, a Dravidian group, were noted for their martial, religious and mercantile activities.

What is the meaning of Tamil?

Of or pertaining to the Tamils, or to their language., One of a Dravidian race of men native of Northern Ceylon and Southern India., The Tamil language, the most important of the Dravidian languages. See Dravidian, a.

Which is the oldest language among Dravidian languages?

As my knowledge the tamil is oldest language among dravidian language

What is a dravidian language?

The Dravidian language is used in numerous countries. They language is spoken in India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Malaysia.