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Q: The Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire thought that free speech was dangerous. true or flase?
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What did enlightenment philosopher john locke theorize?

John Locke theorized that individuals are born with certain natural rights, including the rights to life, liberty, and property. He also argued that governments should be based on a social contract where the power comes from the consent of the governed and can be overthrown if it fails to protect the people's rights.

Why was the french philosopher Voltaire attracted to Confucianism?

Voltaire was attracted to Confucianism for its emphasis on ethics, virtue, and social harmony, which aligned with his ideas on humanism and respect for individual dignity. He saw Confucianism as a rational and practical system of thought that could contribute to social progress and enlightenment in Europe.

What did the enlightenment thinker voltaire believe?

Voltaire believed in freedom of thought and expression, the separation of church and state, and the importance of reason and science in improving society. He was critical of religious intolerance and social injustice, and advocated for tolerance, progress, and individual liberty.

Which enlightenment thinker supported religious toleration and freedom of thought?

John Locke is an enlightenment thinker who supported religious tolerance and freedom of expression.

What did Andreas Vesalius and Voltaire have in common?

Andreas Vesalius and Voltaire were both influential figures in their respective fields during the Renaissance period. Vesalius was a renowned anatomist known for his groundbreaking work on human anatomy, while Voltaire was a prominent Enlightenment philosopher and writer known for his criticism of established institutions and advocacy for reason and freedom of thought. Both individuals challenged prevailing beliefs and contributed to intellectual advancements in their time.

Who was the philosopher who first conceived the concept that freedom of thought ought to be upheld?

Voltaire strikes me as one of the first if not the first to hold that freedom of thought and speech should be protected, but there may have been others before him.

What are 3 facts about Voltaire philospher?

Voltaire was a French Enlightenment thinker known for his wit, criticism of religious intolerance, and advocacy for freedom of speech. He was a prolific writer, producing works in various genres including plays, essays, novels, and letters. Voltaire's ideas had a significant influence on shaping modern Western philosophy and political thought.

How did Voltaire create a paradigm shift?

Voltaire created a paradigm shift by challenging traditional ideas and promoting rational thinking. Through his works, he advocated for freedom of thought, expression, and tolerance, which influenced the Enlightenment movement and shifted attitudes towards reason, science, and progress.

Who is voltaire?

Voltaire was an Enlightenment philosopher, writer, and historian known for his wit, criticism of religion, and defense of civil liberties. His works, like "Candide" and "Letters Concerning the English Nation," played a significant role in shaping Western thought.

A literary form that developed during the enlightenment was?

the philosophical essay, which focused on rational thinking, critical analysis, and the exploration of human thought and society. Prominent Enlightenment thinkers like Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau used this form to communicate their ideas and challenge traditional beliefs.

Who said i do not agree with a word you say but i will defend to the death your rightto say it?

" je ne suis pas d'accord avec ce que vous dites, mais je me battrai jusqu'au bout pour que vous puissiez le dire"is a sentence attributed to the french philosopher Voltaire in 1770

What were the enlightenment thinkers view on religion?

Enlightenment thinkers had diverse views on religion. Some, like Voltaire, criticized organized religion and advocated for religious tolerance. Others, like Thomas Paine, promoted reason and skepticism towards traditional religious beliefs. Overall, Enlightenment thinkers emphasized the importance of individual autonomy and freedom of thought in matters of religion.