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Q: The Exodus commemorates the flight of the Hebrew people out of what country?
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What was the Hebrew flight from Egypt under the guidance of Moses is known as the?

It's called the "Exodus," just as stated in the books of the Bible.

What is the flight of the Hebrews from Egypt called?

The Exodus. (The word "flight" is not accurate, because the Israelites left Egypt in an orderly fashion under the leadership of Moses, after having been given leave to depart by Pharaoh).

Why is the Exoudus from Egypt considered to be a significant event for Jewish and other people?

The Torah calls the flight from Egypt the Exodus, Which means "departure." It became a central event in the history of the Hebrew people.

Did the Hebrews leave Egypt the morning after the Passover meal?

The Passover celebration commemorates the flight from Egypt. There was no Passover meal before the flight.

What is the''flight of the Israelites out of Egypt'' called in the Bible?

It was called the Exodus.

What does bericha mean?

Hebrew for "flight".

What does the word flight mean in Hebrew?


What is an international flight?

An international flight takes-off in one country and lands in a different country.

What is classed as an international flight Is a flight within Europe classed as an international flight or does it have to be out of Europe?

An international flight is a flight from one country to any other country. Europe is a continent, with over 50 countries. If you are flying from any one of those countries to any other country in Europe or any country outside of Europe, then it is an international flight.

What is a rhyming word pair for the exodus of an intellectual elite?

bright flight, smart depart, astute commute

What is the meaning of hegira?

The flight of Mohammed from Mecca, September 13, A. D. 622 (subsequently established as the first year of the Moslem era); hence, any flight or exodus regarded as like that of Mohammed.

What is the Hebrew word for arrivals?

if you are talking about flight arrivals, it's nechitot (נחיתות)