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Q: The Federal Reserve Board has substantial influence or control over all of the following EXCEPT .?
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The federal reserve board has substantial influence or control over?

wages for federal employess

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 guaranteed a substantial measure of public control over the American banking system through the final authority given to the whom?

Federal Reserve Board

What are the federal reserve system's tools of monetary policy?

The three tools of the Federal Reserve are open market operations, discount rate, and reserve requirement.

Which of the following government agencies is responsible for managing the money supply in the united states?

The federal reserve bank

Which of the following will increase commercial bank reserves?

deposits and selling of bonds back to the federal reserve.

Which of the following is not true of the Federal Reserve System?

all decisions must be approved

How does the federal reserve influence local economics?

The Federal Reserve impacts local economics by impacting local loan rates. The overall movement of rates increases or decreases disposable income and the resultant spending.

The federal reserve system is responsible for all what except?

There were no 'following' selections included to choose from.

How the Federal Reserve can influence the federal funds interest rate?

If the Fed wants to raise the federal funds interest rate, it will sell securities to remove reserves from the banking system.

What government agency conducts monetary policy in the United States?

The Federal Reserve is responsible for managing the money supply in the U.S.

What of the following is not a responsibility of the Federal Reserve System?

It guarantees loans to individuals with low household incomes

What was the singular achievement of the Federal Reserve Act?

Establishing the Federal Reserve was the singular achievement of the Federal Reserve Act.