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Q: The Greek philosopher Democritus first proposed the idea of the existence of atoms around 400 B.C. His ideas are the cornerstone of which modern scientific theory?
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What is the achievements of the Greece philosopher Democritus?

Democritus and his mentor Leucippus postulated the existence of the atom.

Who first predicted the existence of an atom?

This was the Greek philosopher Leukippus and then his successor Democritus.

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Democritus was a Greek scientist and philosopher. He is best remembered for suggesting the existence of atoms.

Was democritus's proposal of the existence atoms based on scientific methods or ideas?

Yes, he based it off the scientific method by Mike Oxbig.

Was Dalton th first person to suggest the idea of atoms?

It was not John Dalton who first suggested the idea of atoms. It was the Greek philosopher and mathematician Democritus who first suggested the existence of atoms.

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No, the Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance from alchemy that was believed to have the power to transform base metals into gold and grant immortality. There is no scientific evidence to support its existence.

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Rene Descarte and john Locke were the enlightenment philosopher who was known for his writing on the nature of existence.

What was Democritus conclusion for his experiment?

well, basically he accounted the change of the world existence and nonexistence.

Who was the first philosopers that atoms exist?

I think Democritus first posited the existence of atoms.

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Extinct is the scientific term meaning no longer in existence.

Which Enlightenment philosopher is known for his writings on the nature of existence?

Rene Descartes is known for his writings on the nature of existence. In his work, he famously wrote "I think, therefore I am" as a foundational element of his philosophy.

What did Democritus and Aristotle do that is so important?

He was the first person to discover the existence of atoms in the 4th century B.C.