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δείμος (dimos). Like the second moon of mars.

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" Democracy "

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Q: The Greek words 'Demos' and 'Kratos' are the foundation for which common word of today?
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Does democracy come from a greek word?

Lincoln got it right. Demos is Greek for The Common people. Kratos is Greek for Rule or Strength. Demokratia is government of the people, by the people, for the people.

What word comes from an ancient greek term the rule of people?

The word democracy means 'rule by the people', it comes from the Greek 'demos', for 'common people', and 'kratos', for 'rule' or 'strength'.

What definition of democracy do you get when put the words demos and kratos together?

The word "democracy" comes from the Greek words "demos" meaning "people" and "kratos" meaning "power" or "rule." Therefore, democracy can be defined as "rule by the people" or "government by the people."

What is the root word of democracy?


Which form of government is ruled by citizens?

Democracy came from the greek word "demos"means people and "kratos"means power.(power of the people)

The word democracy comes from two Greek words meaning?

Demos (people) and Kratia (rule, or power)

What the word democracy means?

It comes from the Ancient Greek words demos (people) and kratos (power) and means power of the people or people is agovernment.

What does the word democracy mean in historical terms?

It comes from the Ancient Greek words demos (people) and kratos (power) and means power of the people or people power.

What idea that is important today came from Athens?

The concept of democratic government - our word comes from the Greek words demos = the people and kratos = power : power to the people

What is the prefix of democracy?

Demo comes from the Greek demos and means "people." Cracy comes from kratos and means "rule by," so put together you have "rule by the people."

Words with the Greek root crac?

One example is the word "democracy," which comes from the Greek roots "demos," meaning "people," and "kratos," meaning "power." Another example is the word "aristocracy," which is derived from "aristos," meaning "best," and "kratos," referring to "power" or "rule."

The Greek word democracy means.?

In Greek, democracy literally means people by people, like the common saying 'for the people by the people'. Greece was first in the world to have a democracy and is called "the cradle of democracy.