

Greek to English

Translating words from Greek to English requires the use of a Greek-English dictionary or a web-based translator. Consulting a person fluent with the language will greatly help in learning the correct pronunciation of words.

638 Questions

What is 'dynamis' when translated from Greek to English?

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"Potentiality" is an English equivalent of the Greek word dynamis. The classical philosophy-related, third-declension noun looks like this when written in Greek letters: δύναμις (dúnamis). The pronunciation will be "DOO-na-mees" in Aeginan Greek.

What is the greek word of nitrogen?

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The Greek word for nitrogen is αζωτο (azoto).

What term derived from the Greek root words meaning other space regarding biology?

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"Extracellular" is the term derived from the Greek root words meaning "other space" in biology. It refers to the space outside of a cell where various biological processes and interactions take place.

What does atoms mean in greek?

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"Atom" in Greek is "άτομο" (átomo), which translates to "indivisible" or "uncuttable." This term was used by ancient philosophers to describe the smallest unit of matter that could not be divided further.

What does the word telescope mean in greek language?

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A telescope is an instrument with curved mirrors and lenses to make distant objects appear closer.

What is 'demos' when translated from Greek to English?

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'Demos' (Greek) means 'people ' in modern English.

Modern words using 'demos; are

democracy ; the rule of the people

demonstration ; a view of the people

demography ; a writing/information about a person/people.

Is the root word 'aud-' Greek or Latin?

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The root word 'aud-' is Latin in origin. It comes from the Latin word "audire," which means "to hear."

What is sagapo polli agapimou?

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"S'agapo poli agapimou" is Greek and translates to "I love you my love" in English. It is a romantic expression of love and affection.

What does phi kappa sigma mean in greek?

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Phi Kappa Sigma translates to "ΦΚΣ" in Greek. Each letter corresponds to a sound in the Greek alphabet: Phi (Φ), Kappa (Κ), Sigma (Σ).

What is the difference between ξέρω and γνώσκω?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ξέρω generally means "to know" in the sense of being aware of information or facts, while γνωρίζω often implies a deeper level of understanding or knowledge, such as knowing someone or a subject deeply.

What does the Greek phrase then ine toso poli mean in English?

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Asked by Jbaker5791

The Greek phrase "then ine toso poli" translates to "that is not so much" in English.

What does Kali nikta koukla mean?

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"Kali nikta koukla" is Greek for "Good night, doll" or "Sleep well, doll." It is a term of endearment used to wish someone a good night's rest.

What does se agapo you olitin dinami xara kardia Kai psixi mou panta yiasena panta mazisou?

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This phrase appears to be written in Greek and translates to "I love you with all my heart and soul, always happy and together." It conveys strong feelings of love, happiness, and a desire for togetherness in a romantic relationship.

What does 'o dromo stis kamilas' mean in English?

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"O dromo stis kamilas" translates to "the road to the camels" in English.

What does euxaristo poli translate to in English?

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This means "Thank you very much" in Greek.

What does Sto Leo yia to kalo sou mean?

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"Sto leo yia to kalo sou" is not intelligible or recognizable as a phrase in Greek. It does not have a clear meaning or translation. It might be a misspelling or a combination of words that do not make sense in Greek.

Does secrets mean Socrates - the wisdom keeper?

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Asked by VangelisMichaelides

No, "secrets" and "Socrates" are not directly related. Socrates was a Greek philosopher known for his contributions to the field of ethics and his teachings on self-knowledge and wisdom. "Secrets" refer to hidden or confidential information that is not widely known or shared.

What is 'logos prophorikos' when translated from Greek to English?

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"The uttered word" is an English equivalent of the Greek phrase logos prophorikos. The phrase refers to the spoken word of God. It works in contrast to logos endiathetos ("the word remaining within") for reason.

What is the Greek word for friendship?

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The Greek word for friendship is "φιλία" (philia).

What does metron mean in English?

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"Metron" is a Greek word meaning "measure" or "meter." In English, it is often used in words related to measurement or rhythm, such as "metronome" or "metronomic."

What sound does the Greek letter Ϡ make?

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The Greek letter Ϡ, called koppa, represents the /k/ sound, similar to the English letter "k". However, it is not commonly used in modern Greek and has been replaced by the letter kappa.

What does mou lipsis mean in greek?

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"Mou lipsis" in Greek translates to "I miss you." It is a common expression used to convey feelings of longing or yearning for someone who is not present.

What is the root word 'neur' when translated from Greek to English?

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"Nerve" is an English equivalent of the Greek root word neur-. The root word also may be written as neuro-, with the respective forms νεῦρ and νεῦρο in Greek letters. The respective pronunciations will be "NEY-oor" and "NEY-oo-ro" in Aeginan Greek.

How do you pronounce the greek word doulos?

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The word "doulos" is pronounced "doo-lohs" in Greek.