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US Navy verses North Vietnamese Navy.

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Q: The Gulf of Tonkin incident involved the US and?
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What did the gulf of tonkin incident do?

Started a war between North Vietnam and the US.

What countries were in the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?

North Viet Navy vs US Navy.

How did the US become more involved in the Vietnam War?

Two naval battles in the Tonkin Gulf between the US Navy and the North Viet Navy, referred to as the Tonkin Gulf Incidents.

How was the Bay of Tongkon involved in the Vietnam War?

Gulf of Tonkin or Tonkin Gulf; scene of naval engagement between North Viet Navy & US Navy on 02 August 1964.

Which president used the tonkin gulf incident as an excuse to deepend US involvement in the Vietnam War?

Lyndon Johnson

Why was gulf of tonkin important?

Because this naval battle (incident) was responsible for open warfare between the US and North Vietnam.

What happened between Marv and Ron Tonkin?

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident occurred on August 2, 1964 when two US Navy ships in the Gulf of Tonkin was sunk allegedly by the North Vietnamese. We now know one of them was a false flag attack. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was August 4, 1964 when President Johnson asked Congress to declare war on Vietnam which they did.

When did Gulf of Tonkin incident happen?

The date of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution was August 7th, 1964.

Which act authorized President Johnson to send US combat troops into South Vietnam?

the gulf of Tonkin Resolution

What event caused the US to become directly involved in the War?

Gulf of Tulkon incident.

What events led to the passage of the tonkin gulf resolution?

The passage of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution occurred due to sea battles in the Tonkin Gulf between the US Navy and the North Vietnam Navy.

What event led to the US involvement in the Vietnam war?

The buildup of US troops in South Vietnam was accelerated after the Gulf of Tonkin incident, in which North Vietnamese gunboats attacked ships of the US Seventh Fleet off the coast of North Vietnam.