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They can vote for the Presiden't impeachment.

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Q: The House of Represenatives does this when members believe that the President is guilty?
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House of Representatives does this when members believe the president is guilty?

lies about it then inhales fumes from cats urine

The house of representatives does this when member believe the president is guilty?

lies about it then inhales fumes from cats urine

If a President has been found guilty during the impeachment process is he still referred to as President?

No. If the president is found guilty by 2/3 of the Senate, he is stripped on his office and is no longer President . ( I suppose, however, that some might still call him "President".)

What House of Representatives believe the president is guilty?

Any U.S. Representative, and only a U.S. Representative, may introduce articles of impeachment regarding any federal official, including the President, who is suspected to have committed bribery, treason, a high crime (a felony (?)) or a misdemeanor. If the House passes the articles of impeachment against the President, a trial is held in the Senate, with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presiding (the Chief Justice presides only when the President is the subject of the impeachment). At the end of the trial the Senate votes "guilty" or "not guilty". If at least two thirds of the Senators vote "guilty", the President is immediately removed from office and the Vice President becomes President. If less than two thirds of the Senate votes guilty, he is acquitted.

What happened to juddas after the death of christ?

I believe he was found guilty.

What are the special duties for the senate?

eating bills peachy president guilty trial

Who was the assassin of President Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth was the one who was found guilty.

Why is Lincoln the least guilty president?

Because he could never tell a lie.

Guilty pleas are always accepted by the judge?

In 95% of the cases a plea of guilty is accepted unless there is reason to believe that you are not the suspect in the crime that was committed.

Why was Saint Joan of Arc executed?

She was found guilty of heresy by clergy members who were loyal to the British.

How many members of the senate must vote guilty for a federal official to be impreached?


When the President and the Vice president are corrupt then who takes over When the whole Chain is corrupt then who takes over?

If the President is impeached AND found guilty by Congress, the Vice-President becomes President. IF the then-President (former Vice-President) is Impeached AND found guilty by Congress, the Speaker of the House becomes President.... Note that just impeaching and charging ALL of those 3 could take a President's entire term (4 years). This is why it's important to Vote and to Vote Wisely.