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Q: The Indian removal act and Trail of Tears are examples of?
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Which trail was caused by the Indian removal act?

The trail that was caused by the Indian removal act was the Trail of Tears.

What is the Trail of Tears?

The Alamo (a fort in Texas) has nothing to do with the Trail of Tears (the Indian removal act).

What was the name of the Indian removal act?

Trail of Tears.

What is the Alamo Trail of Tears?

The Alamo (a fort in Texas) has nothing to do with the Trail of Tears (the Indian removal act).

What was the catalyst in the Trail of Tears?

The Catalyst for the Trail of Tears was the Indian Removal Act of 1830, signed by President Andrew Jackson

What was one of the main effects of the indian removal act?

The Trail of Tears

What was the name of the law that lead to the Trail of Tears?

The Indian Removal Act

What act of congress lead to the trail of tears?

Indian Removal Act

What was the trail called that the Indians walked on in the Indian Removal Act?

The trail that the Indians walked on was nicknamed "The Trail Of Tears".

The forced movement of thousands of Indians to Oklahoma?

The Trail of Tears

What event resulted from the implementation of the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

trail of tears

Where did the migrate?

The Cherokee migrated to Oklahoma. Look up "The Trail of Tears" or "The Indian Removal."