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Q: The Iran-Contra affair violated the Reagan administrations policy of refusing to .?
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Why was the Reagan administrations support for the Nicaraguan contrasdamaging for Ronald Reagan image?

It violated a federal law banning the sale of weapons to the Contras. - apex

Compare the Reagan and Bush administrations?

President Reagan dramatically increased funding for research, but President Bush cut the funding. novanet

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Why was the Reagan administration support for the nicaraguan contras damaging for Ronald Reagan's image?

It violated a federal law banning the sale of weapons to the Contras. - apex

Why was the Reagan administration’s support for the Nicaraguan contras damaging for Ronald Reagan’s image?

It violated a federal law banning the sale of weapons to the Contras. - apex

Why was the Reagan support for the Nicaraguan contrast damaging for his image?

It violated a federal law banning the sale of weapons to the Contras. - apex

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The Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush administrations were catastrophes, and we may never recover from them.

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Elizabeth Dole is famous for being a US Senator and for serving in the administrations of President Reagan and Bush. She is also the wife of Bob Dole.

Why was Reagan's administrations sale of weapons to Iran damaging for Ronald Reagan's image?

Reagan said that he would never deal with terrorists, that doing so would only produce more terrorism. However the arms deals with Iran appears to be the result of trading hostages for arms. There was also a scandal about whether the money went to support the Contras in Nicaragua and what Reagan knew about it.

Which events contributed to the end of the Contra led faction in El Salvador?

The U.S, Congress refusing to support Reagan's guns-for-Contras policy.

How did the Iran contract scandal hurt Ronald Reagan's image?

It violated a federal law banning the sale of weapons to the Contras. - apex