

The Kaiser was a major participant in what war?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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world war

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Q: The Kaiser was a major participant in what war?
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The kaiser was a major participant in what?

The kaiser was a major participant in what?"

The Kaiser was a major participant in?

in world war 1

Which world war was kaiser a major participant?

The Kaiser was the leader of Germany during WW1 (it means leader the same as Caesar and Czar), but he wasn't much of a participant.

The Kaiser was a major participant in which war?

World War 1 the answer is the spanish American war is good ok.

The Kaiser was a mayor participant in?

The Kaiser, Kaiser Wilhelm, was the last Emperor of Germany. He was head of state of Germany and commander of the German armed forces during the First World War.

The Kaiser was a major perticipant in which war?

Kaiser Wilhelm the second was the leader of Germany for most of world war one.

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Canada was a major participant in both world wars, and in the War of 1812.

Did Germany fight in the war?

You need to specify which war- but Germany was a major participant in WW1 and WW 2.

What role did the French play in World War 1?

France was a major participant in WWI and many of the battles were fought on its soil and it capital was threatened by the war itself.

What did Henry kaiser do in world war 2?

Henry Kaiser was an American industrialist and the owner of Kaiser Shipyard during World War 2. His company made Liberty ships and Victory Ships to aid in the war efforts.

What war was Kaiser apart of?

Kaiser Wilhelm the Third was the leader of Germany during WW1

Who was the major participant in World War 1 that didn't wish to have much or any involvement?

The United States, who wanted to remain out of it, but were brought in as a result of an attack from Germany; they became one of the major players