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Jobs to people taken and examination to determine their fitness for jobs.

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Q: The Mugwumps favored a system of giving government jobs to people?
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The Mugwumps favored a system of giving government jobs to people who had?

Taken an examination to determine their fitness for jobs

Who did the Mugwumps support giving government jobs to?

The Mugwumps thought government jobs should be given to people who were qualified, based on merit, rather than appointed by the spoils system. They were Republican political activists.

What are the democratic republicans beliefs?

to give more power to the people by letting more people vote and favored freedom of speech and press.

States that wanted a more democratic form of government with greater representation for the common people favored?

The United States wanted a more democratic form of government with greater representation for the common people and favored a strong government. That is why our government is structured the way it is.

Why did Pericles approved paying people to serve in government?

Because it favored rich citizens.

What is the definition for nativism?

A policy put by government that is favored by local people ,however disliked by immigrants.

What type of government is controlled by the government giving people little choice?


The people of the original 13 states were used to being led by a king they did not like king and feared any kind of national what?

government. They were wary of giving too much power to a centralized government, as they worried it could become tyrannical like the monarchy they had just fought to separate from. Instead, they favored a system of government with more power granted to individual states.

What did the framers prefer a republic over a democracy?

The concept of government that the framers favored was the republic form. This was the form of government that would allow the people to appoint those they wanted to represent them into government positions.

What is the government doing to end the recession and will the US policy work to raise the level of GDP?

The government is giving people money

People in faver of a strong national government?

If referring to the delegates in the Constitutional Convention, those who preferred a stronger national government were called Federalists and those who favored states' rights were called Anti-Federalists.

What was a focus of Progressive reform of government?

Creating more regulatory agencies Enhancing the power of government Giving people more direct power over government