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Q: The Shinto religion was absorbed by which religion around 500 AD?
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Who founded Shinto religion?

According to the patheos website, Shinto started at around 500 BCE. Please see related link below for source.

When was Shinto founded?

Around 500 BCE.

What year did the Shinto religion start?

The State Shinto era was from 1868 to the end of WWII

Who is the prophet of Shinto?

Shinto is a very strange religion, it technically has no main prophet of which its teachings are based off of. Shinto has been around since around 500 BC, and probably earlier. It was influenced by Chinese culture, which is why the actual name "Shinto" was derived from the Chinese term "shin-tao". It has been passed around from generation to generation, following no main teaching. If you could consider Confucious a prophet, he is the closest thing to it. the first influencing text on Shinto was the teachings of Cunfucious. And if you really want to go far out, the imperial family/ government has always had a great influence on the religion until the end of world war II where the imperial family was forced to renounce its claim to divinity. -OZ

What is the Shinto religion and where did it come from?

The Shinto religion is an ancient Japanese religion started from about 500 BC. It is one of the smallest religions in the world. hope i helped! p.s. do you like my font? haha! soz, peaps! the info. on top is false! haha! u hav been tricked if u believed it! lol

What country found Shinto?

Shintoism begun in the year 500 BC in Japan. Shintoism had no specific founder but it eventually became the official religion of Japan.

What year did Shinto start?

500 bce

How is Shinto unique?

Yes Shinto is its own distinct religion. Indigenous to Japan focuses on the the balance of kami or invisible spiritual force. The most recognizable aspect of Shinto is by far the red cross beam arch that marks a shrine.

Who began the Shinto religion?

No known founder of Shinto religion. It was more like a slow emergence of myths. However, the first accounts of the mythological stories started around 500 BCE, possibly earlierWas not considered a formal centralized religious until the beginning of the 6th century, about the same time as Buddhism, Confucianism & Taoism.The first written records did not occur until about the late 7th and earyly 8th centuries. These books are the Kojiki, (the first of the two books) and Nihon Shoki, (the 2nd & more detailed of the two). Both were written byŌ_no_Yasumaro who was commissioned by the Royal leaders of Japan to document the myths and rituals & know history of Shinto.

Where was the Sikhs originated?

The religion is around 500 years old, it was found by guru Nanak dev ji

China's classical age?

The classical age for China was from 500 BC to 500 AD. It began with Confucius and ended around the time that the religion of Buddhism began.

What wavelengths of light are absorbed for photosynthesis?

380-500 and 575-750