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A) solve the hunger problem in those needy nations.

or more likely,

B) fall into the hands of dictators and thieves who would then try to trade it, lowering the world price of whatever commodity they were selling, leading to problems in agriculture in America and other food producing nations.

In general, hunger and famine are rarely purely-natural disasters, there are usually grave political problems in countries which experience them. Just giving food is not enough. It is a temporary solution even when there is no corruption or diversion of the aid to the various factions.

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Q: The US has considerable agricultural surpluses If these surpluses were given to nations chronically in need it would?
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What elements of Britain's 19th century industrialization often criticized by sociologists often overlook?

19th century political and economic thinkers were quick to criticize the results of Britain's 19th century industrial revolution. The so-called poverty was a feeding ground for socialists. What many critics overlook is that during this period, often referred to as the "Machine Age" employed an increasingly large share of the nations expanding population and greatly boosted the nation's overall per capita income. The ever rising demand for workers' food products and other essentials would by 1870, be met by a steam driven communications revolution with railways and steam ships bringing agricultural surpluses of the Western Hemisphere to meet the demands of England. One study indicates that the sources of newly powered machines would create surpluses that allowed for the spectacular increases in production which did reach the average family.

What are the five characteristics of developing nations?

1) Low GDP 2) An Agricultural Economy 3) Poor Health Conditions 4) Low Literacy Rate 5) Rapid Population Growth

What are the merits and demerits of specialization in an economy?

Merits include being able to produce more of the goods a nation has a comparative advantage in and import goods from other nations (usually for a lower cost and at a higher quality) that they have an advantage in producing. This will mean the world output will increase and nations will be able to consume more at a lower price. The demerits are that nations can face prospects of unemployment in industries that don't have a comparative advantage. For example, the EU can import agricultural goods at a cheaper price from other nations but it subsidizes its agricultural sector. Otherwise there will be huge amounts of socially unacceptable unemployment. There is also a chance that strategic industries will face a threat (same reason why some nations impose high taxes on imports). Thus the demerit is unemployment which will cause income levels to fall and ruin the entire economy. The advantage is to be allowed to consume more at a lower price.

What globalization a disadvantage for developed nations?

outsourcing replaces workers in developed nations with workers in developing nations

How are developing nations primarily different from industrial nations?

Developing countries are primarily different from industrial nations in that the living standards are not the same

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If the United States agriculture surpluses were given to nations chronically would it stimulate local food production?

No. If the locality is already producing enough food to have a surplus, why would removing the surplus food cause more to be produced? With the surplus gone, the US would still have enough food and would not need to stimulate food production to meet its needs.

What is a agricultural society?

An agricultural society, is a society based around producing and maintaining crops and farmland. Another way to define an agricultural society is by seeing how much of a nations total production is agriculture.

What effects did food surpluses have on people living in settlements?

In the case of ancient peoples living in agricultural settlements, food surpluses were part of the reason these settlements grew into larger civilizations. A food surplus of a product another settlement lacked became barter material in exchange for other food products the first settlement lacked. Food for gold and silver was another result of selling off a food surplus to nations that needed the food and had gold to spend. Expansion of settlements led to trade and better means of transportation in order to trade a food surplus such as corn for example.

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I think New York and corn

What are the nations largest agricultural region and what are its main crops?

I think New York and corn

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What elements of Britain's 19th century industrialization often criticized by sociologists often overlook?

19th century political and economic thinkers were quick to criticize the results of Britain's 19th century industrial revolution. The so-called poverty was a feeding ground for socialists. What many critics overlook is that during this period, often referred to as the "Machine Age" employed an increasingly large share of the nations expanding population and greatly boosted the nation's overall per capita income. The ever rising demand for workers' food products and other essentials would by 1870, be met by a steam driven communications revolution with railways and steam ships bringing agricultural surpluses of the Western Hemisphere to meet the demands of England. One study indicates that the sources of newly powered machines would create surpluses that allowed for the spectacular increases in production which did reach the average family.

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