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National Origins Act

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Q: The Xenophobia Characteristic of the late 1910 and the 1920s influenced which develpment?
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The xenophobia characteristic of the late 1910s and 1920s influenced which devolpment?

The xenophobia characteristic of the late 1910s and 1920s influenced the development of the National Origins Act immigration policies.

Which describes a result of xenophobia in the 1920s?

it led to many arrest

In the 1920s the actions that Americans took as a result of their xenophobia were a large part of the return?


Which characteristic of the 1920s is illustrated by the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti?


Is there a word from the Great Depression that starts with the letter x?

I once had a project where I had to do one-two sentences about each word from the Great Depression and the 1920s. Basically a dictionary. For X I think I did xenophobia, because they were scared of immigrants in the 1920s. hope i helped (;

What was a key characteristic of fascism in the 1920s and 1930s?

pusuit of classless society

Which event most influenced writers during the 1920s?

The event which most influenced writers during the 1920s was World War I. These writers were known as 'The Lost Generation' because they came back from the war so disillusioned with life. This state of mind is generally reflected in their writing.

What two factors influenced the limits on immigration?

Nativism and racism increased in the 1920s and led to changes in Immigration laws.

The harlem renaissance of the 1920s influenced american society by?

The Harlem Renaissance influenced American society in several ways. Chief among these were the Great Migration and the spread of African American arts and culture.

Which characteristic was common to most of the new immigrants who entered the US between 1890 and the mid-1920s?

They tended to settle in urban areas

Which characteristic of the 1920s is best illustrated by the Red Scare the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti and the activities of the Ku Klux Klan?

The characteristic of fear and intolerance towards political radicals, immigrants, and minority groups is best illustrated by the Red Scare, the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, and the activities of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. These events highlighted the social and political divisions of the time, marked by xenophobia, racism, and a climate of suspicion towards anyone perceived as un-American.

A sense of meaninglessness and alienation characterized many writers and intelectuals during the 1920s Which event most influenced their attitude?

the experience of World War I