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Divide 40g by the mass of one atom to find the number of argon atoms.

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Q: The actual mass of an atom of argon is is 6.63x10-24g How many atoms are in a 40.0-g sample of argon?
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The mass of argon is 6.63 x 10-24g How many atoms are there in a 40.0 g sample argon?

just divide the mass of sample by the mass of argon. OR: atomic mass of argon is 40 g/mol, so in a 40g sample of argon, there ought to be 1 mole atoms, or 6.02x10^23 atoms

Is argon made of molecules?

No, argon is not made of molecules. Argon is a chemical element, and a sample of it is composed of atoms.

What are All the Atoms in argon?

Argon is an element and all the atoms in argon are argon atoms.

How many atoms are in sample of chromium with a mass of 13 grams?

Take the actual sample weight of 13grams, and divide it by the atomic weight of chromium. This gives you your molar percentage of atoms. Now multiply this molar percentage by Avogadro's constant, the number of atoms in one mole, and this will give you your number of atoms in the sample.

One million argon atoms are how many moles of argon atoms?


How many argon atoms are there in 1.5 102 g of argon?

2.3 × 1024 atoms of Ar

Why is argon more dense than nitrogen?

atoms of argon are heavier than atoms of nitrogen

Are neon and argon atoms the same?

No. Neon atoms and Argon atoms have different atomic numbers. Which means they have different numbers of protons.

How many argon (Ar) atoms are there in 1.5 102 g of argon?

2.3 × 1024 atoms of Ar

How many moles of argon are in 1.67 x 1024 atoms?

1,67.1024 argon atoms is equal to 2,773 moles.

How many argon atoms are contained in 10 grams of argon gas?

Approx 1.5*10^23 atoms.

What is the atrractive force between argon atoms in liquid argon?

Argon exists as mono atomic species. The force of attraction will be van der Waals forces of attraction between the argon atoms.