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The Sugar Act

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Q: The american revenue act was commonly known as?
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What year did the sugar act start and end?

The Sugar Act, also known as the American Revenue Act, was passed in 1764 and repealed in 1766.

How did the American revenue act affect the relationship between England and the colonies?

How did the American Revenue Act affect colonial economies?

What was the revenue act of 1764?

The Revenue Act of 1764 was also known as the Sugar Act. This act was passed on April 5th, 1764 by the Parliament of Great Britain in an attempt to raise revenue through the taxation on sugar and molasses that were purchased by the colonists.

Which was the first British Act used to raise revenue from the American Colonies?

Sugar Act of 1764

Who was the British Prime Minister that passed the American Revenue Act in 1764?

George Grenville

What established prohibition?

national prohibition act, more commonly known as the Volstead act

What was the Pure Food and Drug Act also called?

It was more commonly known as the Volstead Act

The Revenue Act of 1673?

The revenue act was made after the sugar act was repealed. The colonists were like YAY no more sugar act, but then when the revenue act was made they became more angry. They were trying to boycott it and all that stuff but overall it really helped start the american revolution ....

Coinage act called for?

The Coinage Act of established the United States coinage system. It was also commonly known as the Mint Act.

What act put a tax on paper products?

The stamp tax was the tax that taxed paper.

Why did british passed Sugar Act?

Glen Grenville and Parliament passed the American Revenue Act (Sugar act) in order to off set the cost of nearly 10,000 British Soldiers in the Colonies.

What was the tea tax?

Tax on the export of tea to the British colonies imposed by the British Parliament to increase revenue. It came about as part of a series of Parliamentary legislature known as the Townshend Acts. The first of these acts was the Revenue Act of 1767, also know as the Townshend Act, which imposed export duties on numerous products that the American colonies did not produce and could only buy from Great Britain. This made tea, and the other taxed products, more expensive to American consumers.