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Q: The ancient Greeks believed that the Earth was what shape?
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Who was killed for saying that the earth is round?

The round shape of the Earth was discovered by the ancient Greeks around 500 B.C. The first proposal about the Earth's shape was from Pythagoras.

How did Galileo galili discovered that earth is round in shape?

He did not need to discover that as it was already known by the ancient Greeks.

Who believed the earth was a sphere?

Ancient scholars such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, and later on, Eratosthenes believed that the Earth was a sphere. They based their beliefs on observations of the Earth's shape and movements, as well as mathematical and geometric principles.

What did most people think of the earth?

Throughout history, most people believed the Earth to be flat. It wasn't until the ancient Greeks proposed that the Earth was round in the 6th century BC, and this idea gained wider acceptance over time. Today, the spherical shape of the Earth is widely accepted based on scientific evidence.

How do the following ancient people describe the shape of the earth?

the ancient people describe the shape of the earth as a coin.they beleive that the earth is flat like a coin.

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What did people believe about the shape of the earth?

In ancient times, many people believed that the Earth was flat. This belief persisted until the 6th century BC when Greek scholars, such as Pythagoras and later Aristotle, theorized that the Earth was a sphere based on observations of the stars and shadow patterns during lunar eclipses.

Why did christopher Columbus think that thhe earth is square?

Columbus never believed the earth was square, in fact, the myth was that he believed the earth was flat. However, in truth, Columbus did not believe the earth was flat. Ancient Greek mathematicians, Pythagoras and Aristotle, proved the earth was spherical in shape based on the shadow of the earth on the moon and the curvature of the earth when approaching land. Columbus falsely believed he could reach Asia by going west because he underestimated the circumference of the earth, and also believed Europe was wider than it was.

What did Christopher Columbus believed about the size and shape of earth?

He thought it was round.

Is the Lilliputians believed that the earth was round a true statement?

No, the statement that the Lilliputians believed the Earth was round is not true. In Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," the Lilliputians are fictional characters who are not portrayed as having a specific belief about the shape of the Earth.

What houses did greeks live in?

The ancient Greeks would live in a house called an 'Oikos' which would be square in shape with a courtyard cut out the middle to get sunlight and stop heat. The courtyard was also for wells and sacrifices in the altar.

What did ancient Greeks believe their gods could control or affect?

They controlled everything. Strangely enough it was not one of the Olympic gods who created humans.