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Colourless, icepose.

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Q: The aqueous solution of zinc sulphate is?
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What phase is zinc Sulphate?

its an aqueous solution

Is zinc sulphate aqueous?

yes,zinc sulphate is aqueous.

Aqueous solution of copper sulphate is a homogeneous mixture?

an aqueous solution of copper sulphate is homogeneous

Why aqueous copper sulphate solution conduct electricity but solid copper sulphate does not?

aqueous copper sulphate having high conductive hydroxide ions were as no in solid Copper sulphate.

When zinc rod is dipped in zinc sulphate sol then concentration of solution after time will be?

The concentration of the zinc sulphate solution will not change when a zinc rod is dipped into it. This is because zinc is already present in the solution as zinc ions, so the addition of a zinc rod will not alter the concentration of zinc ions in the solution.

What is the colour of zinc sulphate solution?

Zinc Sulphate Solution is colourless and zinc sulphate is white.

Is copper sulphate the best catalyst between zinc and hydrochloric acid?

Is aqueous copper (2)sulphate an effective catalyst in the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid.

What is the colour of the solution if zinc is added to copper sulphate solution?

No colour

How does copper and zinc sulphate react together?

zinc is more reactive than copper hence it displaces the copper in copper sulphate solution to become zinc sulphate and copper metal is formed

Why does the blue colour of copper sulphate disappear when a zinc plate is dipped into it?

The copper plates out while the zinc dissolves, leaving a transparent zinc sulphate solution.

What is the composition of fehling's solution?

Fehling's solution A= concentrated aqueous solution of Copper (II) sulphate, Fehling's solution B= solution of Sodium-potassium tarterate + sodium hydroxide.

What produces white precipitation when reacted with aqueous barium nitrate?

Adding a solution of Sodium Sulphate to aqueous Barium Nitrate will produce a white precipitate of Barium Sulphate with Sodium Nitrate remaining in solution.