

Best Answer

Positive logic

ON = 1, OFF = 0.

Negative logic

ON = 0, OFF = 1.

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Q: The are only two states inside a computer on and off which represent one and zero?
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There are only two states inside a computer on and off which represent one and zero?


There are only two states inside a computer?


Why computer has only two states?

A computer has only 2 states because there is either power (1) or no power (0).

True false there are only two states inside a computer?

True, but not all computers contain the same two states. They range from Rhode Island and Delaware in programmable calculators to Texas and Alaska in large mainframes.

What is the only type of computer that will not get a computer virus?

The only computer that will not get a virus, is one still in it's packing cases, not connected to anything, and placed inside a locked room.

There are only two states inside a computer on and off which represent zero and one?

Yes but if you multiply that by millions of on/off switches suddenly it becomes quite impressive. Just look at your computer. That's how they all work. Assuming you have a database of 1 megabyte that would be eight million bits or individual switches that can be either on or off. The total number of states that can be potentially represented by a database that large would be calculated by 2 raised to the 7,999,000 power. That's a lot of distinct possibilities. "0" is off "1" is on this is binary and throught differing combo's on 0 and 1 the represent numbers and letters.

Do blue states count in the general election?

Of course they do. Population wise not really, because population doesn't decide the election. Only the electoral collage does. The blue states represent Decorates and the red states represent Republicans.

Who are the two senators that were to represent us in washington dc?

Only states have U.S. Senators.

How does the comuter exploes?

A computer cannot explode. It could only explode if there was a bomb inside of it.

What do the stars and stripes on the flag represent?

The red stripes on the flag represent bravery, the white is purity, and the blue is loyalty. the stars each represent a state. BTW I'm only in elementary school and why didn't you just look up this question on Google?

Why are there pillars at the world war 2 memorial?

To represent the 48 states and the District of Columbia. Back when WWII was still going on there were only 48 states.

Why was the binary sys tem adopted for use in computers?

Because in simple systems, such as those used for the early development of Computer programming, any given circuit could only be in either an off or on position. Those were the only two states available which could be used to represent information.