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It's the I Band.

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Q: The area of the sarcemere that contains only thin filaments?
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The area of the sarcemere that contains only thick filaments?

H zone

What myofibril contains only thick myofilaments?

No, myofibrils contain both thick filaments (myosin) and thin filaments (actin) which when activated overlap each other as part of muscular contraction.

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What are the 3 sections along the length of sarcomere?

The three sections along the length of a sarcomere are the A band, the I band, and the H zone. The A band is the dark region in the center of the sarcomere that contains both thick and thin filaments, while the I band is the light region at the ends of the sarcomere that contains thin filaments only. The H zone is the region in the center of the sarcomere where only thick filaments are present.

Where are actin filaments only located?

in the A band

Which type of cytoskeleton fiber anchors organelles-?

Intermediate Filaments

Which of the following become connected by myosin cross-bridges during muscle contraction A) thin filaments and thick filaments B) thin filaments and t-tubules C) thick filaments and titin filame?

Interactions between actin and myosin filaments of the sarcomere are responsible for muscle contractions. The I bands contain only thin (actin) filaments, whereas the A bands contain thick (myosin) filaments.

Is it true that an area contains only one habitat?

The answer is false. An area can contain MANY habitats!

What are the three types of microfilaments?

(1)Microfilaments (also know as actin filaments) are actually only one type of filament in the eukaryotic cytoskeleton. The two other filaments are (2)intermediate filaments and (3)microtubules.

A sarcomere is?

A sarcomere consists of thin and thick filaments arranged so they can slide over each other. The boundary of the sarcomere are the Z lines. Thin filaments extend from the Z lines and overlap with thick filaments in the middle of the sarcomere. The I band is on each side of the Z line where only thin filaments occur. The A band is the length of the thick filaments and is divided into three parts; the zone of overlap is on each end where thin and thick filaments occur, the H band is in the middle and has only thick filaments, and the M line is the center of the A band.

What is the difference between flagella and axial filaments?

* the flagella is a project as strand while the axial filaments are spirochetes. * flagella : move cell by propeller like action , axial filaments : snake-like movement. flagella : present in gram (+)and gram (-) , while the filaments only in gram (-) . both of them have the same function

Is the following sentence true or false an area contains only one habitat?
