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Q: The art music and philosophy of the medieval period in Europe generally dealt with?
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The art music and philosophy of the medieval period in Europe dealt with?


The generally approved church in Western Europe during the medieval period was the?

Catholic Church

What was the most accurate comparison of the early medieval period in Europe compared to the preceding period?

Early medieval Europe was characterized by less stability and progress.

Which 4 things were discovered in the early Medieval Period?

Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, and Literature are 4 of the things that flourished during the early medieval period.

Did people smoke tobacco in medieval times?

No. During the medieval period of time, tobacco did not exist in Europe and was smoked only in North America for ceremonial purposes. Tobacco was not imported to Europe until the Renaissance period.

What most accurately reflects the period known as the Middle Ages?

Medieval Times

Was the medieval period of philosophy dominated by the roman Catholic church?

In Europe it was dominant, esp during the dark ages. But in the middle east, Asia, Africa, North and South America there were unique philosophies developing.

What were the Nun's homes during the medieval period in Europe?

Convent Nunnery

WHERE was the intellectual and artistic capitol of Europe during the late medieval period?


Which is NOT an accurate description of serfdom in Europe during the Medieval period?

minstrels and jongulers

Who controlled the western Europe politically and religiously during the Medieval Period?


How much of medieval Europe did the pope convert?

I am not certain but I think the various popes of the Medieval time period converted just about all of Europe if it wasn't already converted before then.