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Q: The atoms in hydrogen gas and in water are joined together by covalent bonds. both of these substance are thus composed of?
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Does covalent hold hydrogen and fluorine atoms together?

Polar covalent bond.

What is an example of a substance held together with covalent bonds?

Water is an example of a covalently bonded substance, consisting of one oxygen atom covalently bonded to each of two hydrogen atoms.

What bonds does water form between hydrogen and oxygen?

Covalent bonds hold the atoms together in a water molecule. In covalent bonds atoms share electrons.

Is what water a compound?

Water is a covalent compound in which hydrogen and oxygen are bonded together by covalent bonds.

What bond holes the owygen and hydrogen atoms together?

Hydrogen an oxygen, both being nonmetals, will be held together by a covalent bond.

What type of bond holds Hydrogen chloride together?

Covalent Bond

What type of bond holds fluorine and hydrogen together?

covalent bond

What kind of bond holds the two strands of a DNA molecule together?

hydrogen bonds. The other bonds are covalent bonds.

What holds two atoms in a hydrogen molecule?

The two hydrogen atoms in a hydrogen molecule are held together by a covalent bond.

What solid depends on electron sharing to hold it together and does not conduct electricity?

This would seem to be looking for the answer covalent substances. However, there are two types of covalent substance: molecular (e.g. sulfur) and giant covalent (e.g. diamond). Electron sharing certainly holds giant covalent lattices together, but in a molecular substance the electron sharing is only within the molecule, and the forces which hold the molecules together to make a solid are rather weaker. They may be van der Waals forces, dipole-dipole attractions, or hydrogen bonds.

What type of chemical bond is carbon and hydrogen?

Carbon and Hydrogen bonds together with covalent bonds, as in CH4.

What describes the bond between nitrogen and hydrogen?

Polar covalent bond between nitrogen and hydrogen atoms Polar covalent bond between nitrogen and hydrogen atoms.