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To answer your question, you must first determine what processes yield heavier elements from lighter ones.

The Big Bang gave us the energy and basic material to begin fusion and form stars.

It is known that, beginning with hydrogen, fusion like that which goes on in our Sun will yield heavier and heavier elements while contributing heat energy exothermically. Once the fusion process reaches Iron, continued fusion begins absorbing heat rather than giving it off.

As a star undergoes its death-throes once its nuclear fuel is consumed, explosive emissions of heavy material are ejected in a violent process known as a supernova. In this explosive event, some materials undergo further fusion to elements heavier than Iron. With the previous information and this little revelation as to what happens in a supernova, can you surmise where gold came from?

Hint: It was not created from molten lava.

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Q: The atoms of gold in a gold ring were formed a. deep inside the earth by molten lava. b. in our own sun. c. in a supernova explosion of a distant star. d. in the big bang. which one is right?
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