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Q: The automobile was not invented in one day by one inventor?
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There are many different kinds of vehicles, one of which is an automobile. A different answer would apply to other types of vehicles (ships, locomotives, etc).Karl Friedrich Benz, born 25th November 1844, is generally regarded as the inventor of the petrol powered automobile.

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Richard Arkwright. The English inventor of the spinning Jenny.

Who is the inventor of the automobile?

There were a lot of people working on the basic problem; it's hard to choose one as THE inventor of the automobile. However, Karl Benz has about as good a claim as anyone. HI Karl Benz build the first horseless carriage around an engine that was conceived and invented by Nicolaus August Otto in 1876. He invented the first efficient gas motor engine. The four stroke combustion engine The " Otto Cycle Engine" which sees the Induction, compression, power and exhaust system of engines established and was UNIVERSALITY accepted.

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There isn't one single inventor of the debit card.