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Q: The average person does this over 1400 times a year?
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What was the average IQ in 1400?

The average IQ in 1400 is the same as the average IQ of the present day: 100. It might just seem less because they didn't have the same technologies that we have today. Humanity has the same average IQ over history. Even humans at caveman times still had an average IQ of 100.

What is 1400 over 54 in simplest terms?

1400 over 54 in simplest terms = 700/27 or 2525/27

What is 11 over 1400 in simplest form?

11/1400 is already in its simplest form

How times a day does the average person blink?

I'm not sure but I'd have to say over 200,000 times a day because of the 24 hour thing.... If you didn't know you still blink in your sleep.

What is 28 over 1400 as a percentage?

Expressed as a percentage, 28/1400 x 100 = 2 percent.

What is the rate at which Black non Hispanic adults contract AIDS compared to the national average?

The rate is over four times the national average

What over 7 equals 1400?

The answer is 9,800. 9,800 over 7= 1,400

The average person will spend over 2 in their lifetime waiting for traffic lights to change?

The average person will spend over 2 weeks in their lifetime waiting for traffic lights to change.

What is 200 over 1400 as a percentage?

Expressed as a percentage, 200/1400 x 100 = 14.285714 recurring (that is, 14.285714285714...) percent.

How many times does your heartbeat in your lifetime?

During an average lifetime: over 2.5 billion times.

What is the average percentage a person will spend kissing over a lifetime?

An average person spends 20,000 mintues kissing. I do not know the percentage though.

How much does a braford cow weight?

Braford cows typically would weigh around 1400 lbs on average. Bulls typically weigh over a ton (~2300 lbs).