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Q: The average person has how many immediate family members?
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Do sister-in-laws count as immediate family?

sometimes, if you are close to that person, however, if you aren't then no --- It depends on the cultural customs of your and their families. Some cultures have extremely close extended loyal family structures. Other cultures have even immediate family members living far apart with only occasional contact. (Compared to the statistical mean)

What is your reaction being different or alike with any members of your family?

A person's reaction to being different or similar to other members of their family will vary from person to person. It is not common for two family members to look or act alike.

What do you call a person that you live with?

If you are unrelated then, your roommate. If you are related then your family/immediate family. Hope this helped :)

What is a person's closest relatives called?

Immediate Family or Blood Relatives

What is defense of family members?

person has the right to rescue a family member who is being attacked

What does Ryan mean in Italy?

a person who has sexual intercourse with family members

How to plan a surprise birthday for an old person?

invite all the person's friends and family members

The 6 members of the brown family 3 gallons of milk each week How much is that per person?

6 family members divided by 3 gallons is 1/2 gallon per person.

Who sits in the second funeral car?

It is normally the immediate family of the person that has died, such as parents, brothers and sisters, if there are no immediate relatives then it would be aunts, uncles cousins and so on, however it is up to the family arranging the funeral to decide who goes where. Indeed, the deceased may have already decided before they died by making their own funeral arrangements.

How does the family help one develop?

Families often provide care and support for a person, especially infants. One often picks up traits found in parent, brothers and sisters, grandparents and other relatives. However immediate family have more of a direct impact on the person in question. Children look at how family members, particularly their parent, react to situations thus learning behavioral actions from them.

Is there such a person named Autumn?

Yes. I have two family members named Autumn!

Whose auto insurance is primary in California registered owner or driver?

I believe that I understand what you are asking. If I am not correct ask it again and I will try to do better. Auto insurance generally follows the vehicle and not the driver. Only the person who owns the vehicle can insure are vehicle except in a situation of an immediate family. One policy can cover members of the family even if the vehicle is in the name of other members of the family as long as they all live in the same household.