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Q: The bean-shaped organs that lie along the back wall of the abdomen are the?
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How is a hernia in cats treated?

Hernias are holes in the body wall that allow abdominal organs such as intestines to collect between the skin and the muscle layers. They are treated during surgery, in which the organs are placed back in the abdomen and the hole is stitched closed.

What are the symptoms of a cytocele?

The symptoms of a cystocele are pressure or pain in the pelvis, lumps or bulges in the sexual organs, pressure in abdomen, pain in the lower back, and pink or red urine.

What does surgery for abdominal wall defects aim to do?

aims to return the abdominal organs back to the abdominal cavity, and to repair the defect if possible. It can also be performed to create a pouch to protect the intestines until they are inserted back into the abdomen

Back area from ribs to hips?

it's called the abdomen. its wher our intestines,stomach, urinary organs like the kidneys, bladder. also our internal female reproductive organs are present like ovaries, fallopian tube and the uterus are found.

What is the purpose of having ribs?

to protect interior organs

What is the function of the mesenteric arteries?

The mesenteric arteries go to the mesentery. The mesentery is a fold of the peritoneum that pins the stomach, small intestine, pancreas, spleen, and other organs to the posterior wall (back wall) of the abdomen.

What organs are on your lower back?

There are no organs ON your back (apart form the skin). Your back is the upper OUTER surface of your body, your organs are inside your body.

What are the functions of the ribs?

To protect the thoracic organs and to protect the liver, spleen, and kidneyThe rib cage makes up the thoracic wall, and provides attachments for the muscles of the neck, thorax, upper abdomen, and back.

What is a pair of bean-shaped organs that form and excrete urine?

That pair of organs is called as kidneys. They are placed besides your vertebral column in the abdomen. Kidneys filter about 180 liters of fluid per day. About 177 to 178 liters of the fluid is absorbed back. Rest is excreted as urine.

Is the heart of the ant situated in the torso?

An ant's heart is located on the dorsal part of the abdomen (along the top of the back section).

What is between an insect head and an insect abdomen?

Head goes on the front, abdomen goes on the back.

What is the back end of a spider called?
