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To pit it in a more accurate form; the theory of evolution by natural selection. Not a belief, a theory in the scientific sense.

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Q: The belief that life is a competitive struggle in which only the fittest survive?
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What is the belief that Charles Darwin's theories such as Survival of the fittest apply to human groups and races?

Social Darwinism

What is a supposition?

an uncertain belief

What is common belief?

Its what i believe

What were Charles Darwin's accomplishments to Science?

Darwin established the theory of natural selection (evolution). On the Galapagos Islands he was fairly free to walk among animals previously unexposed to humans, thus seeing him as no threat. He observed: (1) more offspring were produced than would survive based on the available resources (food, water, space), (2) the offspring varied in form and had a range of characteristics, (3) the offspring would compete for the available resources. Darwin concluded that the creatures that were best suited to a particular environment would survive long enough to reproduce and pass their characteristics to a new generation. This is evolution. "Survival of the fittest" is actually shortened from the phrase, "survival of the fittest in a particular environment". Individual creatures don't evolve. Species evolve. A species is a group of organisms capable of breeding and producing offspring. Evolution drives the creation of new species. No organism is more or less evolved than another. One organism may be more suited to survive in a particular environment.

What is Skepticism?

Religious skepticism is the belief that no religion has offered convincing evidence that it is true, or has offered convincing evidence that the central beliefs of that religion are true. Skepticism is not the same thing as a belief that all religions are false; it is a belief that they have not been proved to be true.

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What is a belief that life if a competitive struggle in which only the fittest survive?

Social Darwinism

Is the belief that life is a competitive struggle in which only the fittest survive imperialism federalism jingoism Social Darwinism?

Social Darwinism.

What is the belief that life is a competition struggle in which only the fittest survive?

Social Darwinism

Belief that human society is a struggle for existence in which only the fittest survive?

Social Darwinism

What is the belief that human society is a struggle for existence in which only the fittest survive?

This belief is known as social Darwinism, which applies Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies, suggesting that competition and survival of the fittest are necessary for progress and advancement. It has been used to justify social inequalities and discrimination, as well as to promote laissez-faire economic policies.

What is a social darwanism?

Social Darwinism- the belief that in the struggle between nations, only the fit are victorious. Darwin's ideas about natural selection & survival of the fittest applied to human society and nations.

What did Social Darwinists believe?

Social Darwinists believed that individuals and societies competed in a struggle for existence, where only the fittest would survive and prosper. They applied Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies, arguing that government intervention in social and economic affairs would interfere with this natural process and hinder progress. This belief system justified practices such as laissez-faire capitalism and imperialism.

What traits did social darwinism encourage?

Social Darwinism encouraged traits such as competition, individualism, and the belief in survival of the fittest. It promoted the idea that success and wealth were signs of superior abilities and justified inequalities in society.

What is the belief that Charles Darwin's theories such as Survival of the fittest apply to human groups and races?

Social Darwinism

Aztec religion was based on a belief in a struggle between?

good and evil.

How did social darwinism affect the spread of European imperialism?

it provided a justifacation for colonzing lesser people

How did people were social darwinists justify imprializm?

Social Darwinists justified imperialism by arguing that it was the natural result of the struggle for existence and survival of the fittest. They believed that more advanced nations had a duty to conquer and civilize less advanced societies for their own benefit. This belief system provided a moral justification for exploiting and dominating other nations.